Monday 20 February 2012

A tea-rrific day

Today I started my vegan-six-days-a-week diet and so far it's going well. 
I went out with my friend for coffee and I had green tea, they gave it to me in this special tea pot because they used real tea leaves and it was the best tea I've ever drunk. I found out they sell the pots in the cafe, so I bought one! The tea is amazing and also really good for keeping your metabolism going. Tea always makes me feel full also. Maybe that's part of the reason I've had only half a grapefruit and don't feel hungry at all.

Tea leaves in the filter

Mango Tango: DELICIOUS.
(Sorry the pictures are terrible, I took them in my [very messy] kitchen.)

On a downer my flatmate started going on about how it was stupid to be a vegan, and how I would never do it etc. I know she's wrong but it's still annoying. It doesn't help that she's about the thinnest person I've ever met. She has at least 5 guys after her at any one time. She's not a horrible person, it just irritates me when she says really insensitive stuff without even realizing it.

I'll be working tonight, I work in a cocktail bar (so much fun) so that should burn a fair few calories. Although I won't get home till at least 1:30am, so getting up at 7am tomorrow should be fun.

Hope you're all having a great day!
Stay strong
Rachel x


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