Sunday 19 February 2012

There's this boy that I like.

So this weekend has been pretty good to be honest. I managed to keep my intake really low (around 300 calories a day) and danced myself out of my shoes on Saturday night. Who needs the gym?

On a down note, I didn't really get to talk to this guy I kind. I've been into him for a while now, but I've moved away to university and now we're like 2 hours away from each other. Plus we're both pretty shy, and too scared to make the first move. Not overly ideal.
My friends think he likes me too, and we text sometimes, but I don't think anything will ever happen. Which is a shame because we get on really well and have loads in common :((
No idea why I'm posting this on here, I guess I don't really talk about stuff like this very often and putting it out there makes me feel a little better? idk.
I've made a vow to look amazing next time we meet (which wont be for a while seen as I live so far away). 

Anyway, I'm planning on starting my vegan-six-days-a-week diet tomorrow. I've decided on only six days because I think I would go insane if I didn't get to have milk, or dairy at least once a week. Maybe when I've gotten used to it I'll go the whole hog and do a full vegan diet kind of vibe.

Hope you're all doing well! 
Stay strong
Rachel x

Just some party thinspo, I saw so many beautiful people out on Saturday and it spurred me on all the more.

When I'm finally skinny, I want a dress like this.


  1. Cute thinspo.
    Good on you for keeping your calories so low, too bad I didn't do that this weekend.
    Going vegan 6 days a week is a great idea, I want to do that too. I will miss my coffee so much though. I NEED it! LOL.

    1. Thanks!
      Awww crap I totally forgot I can't drink coffee. I live on coffee! Bums. I'll have to substitute tea. Green tea. lolol, didn't think this through!

  2. I danced my butt off on Saturday night too! Hope you had a good time! and maybe lil shy boy will surprise you and get some courage :)

  3. Ahhhh I want my picture to be epic sexy party thinspo one day :)
